"We have been using Smartfert since 2012. We found it is very beneficial to our farming operation both time and financially as it is control release and only needs applying every 3 months and at 50% of the rate you would normally apply which still give us good growth rates. Another great feature about this product is you can apply it at any time as it does not have to be raining as it is moisture activated. We do the whole farm at once before the rain at my convenience.”
Anthony and Kerrie Pollock, Waikato Dairy Farmers

Reporoa farmer Mat Martelli has been using Smartfert control release nitrogen fertiliser to ensure a quality crop of Chicory (variety Choice) is grown for summer feed,
“I have been using Smartfert since 2014 with great success. It complements the nitrogen demand of the crop perfectly providing continuous growth from drilling in late October to the last grazing late March”.
“Crop establishment methods have been both by traditional cultivation and by minimum tillage. We cultivated with an initial discing and Smartfert was applied mixed in the base fertiliser before a final power harrow and drilling. Last year we tried minimum tillage with direct drilling the crop. Smartfert was mixed with DAP and put down the spout at time of sowing. Both methods have given very good results.”
“For us, the big advantage using Smartfert is the crop does not require further applications of nitrogen following each grazing. Once drilled, the crop looks after itself growing strongly through to the final grazing.”
“This year we are also using Smartfert in our maize crop. It will be applied pre-plant and eliminating the expense and hassle of side dressing once the crop is established.”
Mat Martelli, Reporoa

Alex Bing, Life style farmer of Muriwai collects Smartfert for his farms annual application of nitrogen.
Farming 13ha of sandy loam with a mix of deer, sheep and beef, Alex applies Smartfert at 80kg / ha in the spring which ensures good pasture growth through to mid- summer.
Since using Smartfert, Alex comments “ I get such good grass growth, there is now no longer a need to purchase hay, this is so easy, a single application and the job is done”
Alex Bing, Muriwai Lifestyle Farmer

“I find Smartfert N a wonderful management tool. I get it on in the autumn and get the nitrogen response from mid to late winter and into the spring. The grass keeps green and growing even during the cold periods. Normally it is wet in the late winter early spring and no one can get their nitrogen on. But in my case, with Smartfert N the nitrogen is already there and available.”
Willie Duncan, Rangitikei Dairy Farmer